Thursday, September 9, 2010

No big deal

Today was a good day.
Posted a video today.
Some of the good stuff was said in that video.

I make a schedule every evening before I go to bed describing what I need/want to get done the next day. I was ahead of schedule for the first time this morning which was awesome. My 2D design teacher had lots of good things to say about the work I had done.

Still no luck with the bug ordeal. I kind of feel like doing some reading. Like out of a book that doesn't have to do with art 'n' such. I mean, it's interesting and all, but it gets kind of boring.

My shoulder still gets numb. I really think all this sitting and being hunched over is going to ruin me. I know that I'll probably need back surgery at some point in my life since most of my job will require me to be sitting, hunched over.

Finished Companion block.
newly done Cyberman on black paper with white conte crayon, my speciality.
Seriously, I work with that medium all the time.
I'm a pro, but I felt like a poser when everyone was "ooh-ing" and "ahh-ing" over it. Even the teacher. I wanted to tell them it's no big deal, because it isn't. I'm not as great as they think I am.
Math class tomorrow......


Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Hello and welcome to another post that is complete shit.
I'm feeling rather stressed right now. It feels like I'm never done with work. Once I finish one thing I never feel accomplished because I know there is still more.

I got a 73% on that still life....
Yeah I don't know what to think about that. The highest grade was a 78%.
Now I have to draw a still life of a bug. A dead one. I have to go out of my way to FIND A DEAD BUG SOMEWHERE!!!
Funny quote from today though would be when he was critiquing one student's piece he said:
"This right here, it's drawn beautifully, but, W-T-F?"
Good times.

Definitely making a video for the channel tomorrow. OFFICIAL! So yeah, that'll happen.

Here are some almost finished works for the PToDW:
Adipose(on cardboard, white spray paint, black prismacolor, shading done in watered down acrylic)
& K9(the body is cut out grays from paint swatches, white bristol paper, and black acrylic)
Companion (black duct tape on bristol paper) it's not done yet, I still have to add gray.
& The Doctors 9,10, & 11(cut-out on black card stock glued on white bristol with prismacolor grayscale). I was going to do all 11 Doctors' silhouettes, but then realized how small they were going to have to be since each square is 3 1/2 x 4 inches.

mmmm, digestive.

Bless your face. Peace off.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

homework, neighbor, artists as couples?

I picked doing homework over eating cookie dough and watching A Walk to Remember. What the hell is wrong with me?
Well...I don't really like Mandy Moore anyway. Or sappy movies. I supplemented the cookie dough with chocolate ice cream once I was done with homework.

So the girl next door, the one who was hung over after the first night, saw me for the first time today. Despite her immense popularity, I haven't met her before. But she was behind me has I was coming back from class. This is how it went down:
Gia: Hey, are you the one that lives next to me?
Me(as I punched in my door code): I suppose so, yeah.
Gia: I just haven't seen you at all.
Me: I keep to myself.
Friend of Gia(overly pleasant): IT WAS NICE TO MEET YOU!

Moving on.

Can I just say how grossed out I am with these freshman college couples? I'm really grossed out. We've been here for what, 9 days? You see them holding hands, strolling down the sidewalk. They've got their portfolio bags and boxes of oil paints. I've probably said this a million times out loud, but regardless I'm going to say it here: I would never date anyone who goes to my college, or anyone who is an art student. I say this only because 1.) I know how art kids are. They are quite similar to drama kids. We can be extremely moody, and picky, and judgmental(as are people who are not artists, but we are all of these, and worst). We also at times like to be hermits. Example of that being that Gia has never seen me because I spend most of my time either in class, in my room, or in a friend's room. But mostly in my room. The second reason of me not being able to date an art student would be due in part by a cliche. "Opposites attract". I believe this, to an extent. But mostly I believe that two artists, living together, will clash creatively. This may not be true. But in my mind the worst case scenario would be that the two artists would become moody, picky, and judgmental of their work and everything else, at the same time. Personally I feel like it'd be better for me to be with someone who cared about my art, and the arts in general, but perhaps was an accountant. Ya know, found beauty in numbers or something. I think I've always pictured my life being similar to that of Daniel Stone in The Tenth Circle. Of course without the whole bit about my daughter getting raped, my wife pushing a kid off a bridge, and me being from Alaska where I can see Russia from my house. But job-wise and life style-wise, I'd like to be in his shoes. His wife was a Professor, and he was the stay-at-home dad with the art studio at the front of the house. That's the kind of life I want.

Here's the brother and I at the Baltimore zoo:
It was forever ago, but you gotta love his face.
I think he still makes that face every now and then

Monday, September 6, 2010

The hills are alive

I know, I know, I forgot about you last night. But I didn't actually forget about you. I remembered you, only after I had "finished"* watching The Sound of Music with my mother, had gotten into bed, and had shut down my computer. So there.

Also, I have an excuse which is that I had been sitting for over 3 hours working on a still life for my drawing class. I think it came out alright. And after that I just wanted to take my mind off of focusing on anything that involved sitting and using hand-eye coordination.
Mark of the artist.
Finished product. It's a heart-shaped ceramic box..if you can't tell.

I'm back in my dorm now. I had to do some major reorganizing because I brought back a bunch of stuff that I had bought and/or forgotten. Trying to get settled. Put a poster up on my wall. Harry Potter of course. Listening to some muffled conversations and the dryer going from down the hall. I'm pretty tired, but it's only 8:40pm. I think I might watch a movie or something. I would go hang out with some friends a few doors over, but like I said, tired.

Skyped with mom, my belly hurt...but she kind of looked like one of those people who gets interviewed for documentaries, but doesn't want to be recognized.
If only her voice had been deepened.

I also got some posters hung at my mom's new apartment, which is nice. It feels a bit more like my room with a Harry Potter poster above my bed.
This is at my dorm though...

Well I think that's about all I have to say. I really want to watch a movie.

Bless your face. Peace off.

*"Finished": I'm not a huge fan of The Sound of Music, mostly because I find it too long for anyone's liking. So I always stop watching after they get married, because that's where the movie should end. At least, in my mind.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Wow, almost forgot about you again. This is really awful.
I don't think blogging every day is for me, although I would love to do it. It's not gonna happen.

My computer's battery is at like, 17%. So yeah, this has got to be quick....

Planning to set up the 3 hour still life tomorrow for my drawing class. I'm not sure what I'm going to draw yet...something interesting.

My shoulder is really messed up. I must have pulled a muscle last week when I was moving stuff to the new apartment. But it's been numb and tingly for a while. I'm getting kinda worried.
I also have tons of bruises on my right leg from moving. I bruise fairly easily and the usually stick around for a few weeks. Right now they're all green/yellow with a bit of purple. It looks like I'm in an abusive relationship.

I've been buying a lot of supplies for my 2D project. Hopefully it turns out nice.
My walls at the new apartment are so bare. I haven't put anything up yet really. I kind of wish I had taken a picture of the walls at the old place because I had a pretty sick set up.

Alright. I'm going to bed.
Me and my TARDIS pillow.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Hey blogger and welcome to my long weekend.
That's right. I'm on the weekend, and at home.

Bought a ton of art supplies today. Set me back around $117. But whatever.
I actually typed waters instead of whatevers. I have no idea why.

I know I really want a Vlog Brothers t-shirt and I also want a Tobuscus t-shirt.
More money.
I shouldn't get them.

I'm pretty tired.

ugggggghhh. I really suck a blogging.


no picture tonight.

bless your face. Peace off.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Periodic Table of Doctor Who

So I've had my fair share of homework this week. So far it consists of:
Finding 25 examples of the color red
Research which colors Rembrandt used in his palette, record the names, and show examples
Define the following words with illustrations: hue, tone, tint, shade, value, intensity, opaque, transparent
Trace templates onto canvas paper
Draw a 3 hour still life on 18x24'' paper
Begin sketching a copy of something by either de Vinci or Rembrandt
Read chapters 1 & 4 in Guide to Drawing
Pick two examples of 2D art I appreciate
Define 3 terms out of the list given
Read chapter 1 in Art Fundamentals
Begin making lists and sketches for Periodic Table project
Answer questions about Migrant Mother
Read text about Migrant Mother

I haven't finished all of it, but I'm pretty darn close.
The Periodic Table project is pretty cool. We pick any topic we want(I've picked Doctor Who) and make 25 square grids in a periodic table using only black, white, and shades of gray. The catch is, they all have to be in different media. So you can't for instants use acrylic twice, the second one has to have some other medium used as well to make it different. So acrylic with pen, or marker, whatever. It'll be cool.

I got to take a nap today, which was nice. I even had a dream. That I owned a bunny. I really wish I owned a bunny.

Here's one of the things I did today. We just played with materials in class.
Just playing with the material. Done with ink wash and then drawings in pen.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

history, janitors, vlog?

I worry sometimes, about people.
The amount of knowledge they have. What they've been taught, versus what they retain. Things that deal with general knowledge, or history. The history of the country you live in. Like knowing about the Great Depression, and when it took place. Or when the Civil War was. I think there are few excuses to not knowing about such events. I would, most certainly, guarantee that the subjects were taught, numerous times, during High School, or Middle School, or Elementary School. I don't want to seem like an asshole if someone doesn't know about these things, but I just think that there is plenty of room for which to store the facts. Room that is possibly taken up by those facts about parabolas, or synthetic division(although it is quite handy). Not important. Unless you wanna be a math teacher. Or a giant boob. Or both.

To make up for my harshness, I'll just say: I got yelled at my Hispanic janitor today. For walking on a floor that was clearly not wet... I just wanted to do my dishes.
I have nothing against Hispanic people. Or janitors. Just don't yell at me for walking on the floor you just mopped but is now dry. And don't clean the girls bathroom while your buddy is cleaning the only other one within 30 feet.
I had to pee.

I cleaned my room and got my stuff together for tomorrow's class. Probably going to make a video to put on the collab channel. Just to get the ball rolling. I don't know what I'll talk about. Probably about getting the ball rolling.

Here's a picture of an unfinished(and never to be finished) still life I did in drawing class:
It took me like 5 minutes to figure out that hand positioning.

Bless your face. Peace off.