Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Today is the last BEDA for most of my subscriptions. I'm still going though.

So today, I woke up at 6:00am. Like whoa. SUPER EARLY. No one was in the bathroom. It was rather strange, but cool at the same time. For some reason the water was boiling lava hot, which is weird because the rooms are like freezers. I am aware though of the fact that the water temperature has nothing to do with the AC. Or maybe it does. ANYWAY.

I digress.
So I was tired this morning. First class. Went well. Then I had to get my ID, because I couldn't get it yesterday. Then I ate a sandwich.

Then I went to my next class. Which also went well. Got some homework.

Then I came back to my dorm and attempted to cut and peal peaches that were going soft. It was a bummer, I couldn't do anything to save them so I had to throw them away. *sadface*

Then I thought I would take a nap, but instead I decided not to and called my dad instead to keep me from falling asleep. I figured if I didn't take a nap I would be extra tired tonight, go to bed early, and thus, sleep really well in order to get up at 6:00am again. We'll see how that goes.

Then I did some homework while watching some Family Guy, and Angry Beavers on Netflix. Love Angry Beavers. Then when I was done I decided to watch some Demetri Martin comedy, but I ended up nodding off for like 15 minutes.

Then I made dinner.
Then I did, almost, all of my dishes. There was a line. I didn't want to be a water hog.

Then I did more homework.

Now I'm blogging while watching Toby Turner.

This is how I looked this morning:

Nice. It was 95 degrees outside and like 50 degrees inside.
I've been changing my clothes every time I get back to my room.
Woolie socks + cotton leggings + sweat pants + tank top + t-shirt + sweat shirt + afghan = warm.

Monday, August 30, 2010


Blogger, I forgot about you. It is 12:04 am on the 31st.
I am deeply sorry.
I am a failure.
Please forgive me.

This morning I listened to the girl next door throwing up.

Tomorrow is the first day of classes. I mean today. 8:30am. BRIGHT AND EARLY!!

I can never tell if someone is knock on my door, or her door. Really confusing.

Last night I felt really sick. Apparently it was because I took my multivitamin, but didn't eat or drink enough after. And I literally thought I was going to barf. I was gagging and everything. Not a good way to start. Anyway. I was scared so I propped myself up a bit, and then decided to re-watch all of Alex Day's Reading Twilight videos. I got to like the 2nd one before I started to fall asleep.

Youtube is calming.

I wonder if I should continue BEDA, after August. It can be BEDS.....


I think I should make up for the 8 days at the beginning that I didn't blog.
That would be good.

Here's a picture of me back-lit, washed-out, glasses-glared, messed up hair, with Preston, the owl my mom crotched me.
He either really tired, or "not amused".

Bless your face. Peace off.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Hey blogger.
I don't mean to sound like a giant cliche, but: I'm in college now.
As in right now.
Well I'm not exactly in classes right now, but I am moved into my dorm room. It's nice. I like it.
I think I've brought just enough stuff from home to make it comfortable.

Moving in was a bit hectic, and my mom was perpetually sniffling due to allergies, or a cold, we're not sure which. But I'm taking a multivitamin just incase.

After the parents left I tried to settle in. Which I'm still doing. I wonder if I'll sleep okay.

I thought we had a meeting today at 7, but I guess we didn't so I called my dad, and skyped with my mom, and Facebook chatted with Brother. He was nice enough to give me his Netflix log in so now I can watch stuff instantly which is really sweet. Then I message some girl I was Facebook friends with, but did know, but knew went to my school, and she invited me over to her room to play Apples to Apples with a bunch of people. Then I had a residents meeting.

People are yelling.

Quiet time is in 15 minutes.


I'm pretty tired now.

I wore this shirt today because I thought if anyone knew about Doctor Who, they would comment my shirt.
A group of girls came up to me and the one wearing the Neville Longbottom shirt said "OHMYGOD I LOVE YOUR SHIRT!!"

Instant friends. :P

Saturday, August 28, 2010

I, somehow, forgot Narnia

There are few parts of my body right now that don't hurt. I don't think I've ever been so ache and stiff in my life.

Carried a few more boxes over to the new apartment. My room is void of pretty much everything except, for some reason, I forgot to take down my Narnia poster off my door.

I know before in a previous blog, I talked about not getting excited about college, and, in fact, not having any real emotions at all. It seems that my lack of emotion have caught up to me, and I've found myself crying numerous times today, and not all for the same reason.
I've found that I'm feeling very much like Esther describes in this video, in which she is overwhelmed by tons of emotions. So, in honor of Esther, and by her advice, I thought I would write here, some of my feelings:

I'm feeling nervous to start college tomorrow.
I'm feeling scared that I'll be in a new place, that I won't make many friends.
I'm feeling scared that I'll suck at the only thing I thought I was good at.
I'm feeling scared that I won't like it there and want to go home.
I'm feeling scared that all my friends are going to enjoy college and that maybe I won't.
I'm feeling annoyed at all of my future classmates for posting about how excited they are.
I'm feeling sad that I'm leaving.
I'm feeling sad that I'll never sleep in this bedroom ever again because my mom's moving.
I'm feeling sad that this is the last time I'll spend in this house.
I'm feeling anger at myself for having so many material possessions, and being so shallow.
I'm feeling anger at the fact that I've had to spend my last few days here packing up everything I own and moving it somewhere else.
I'm feeling anger towards Walmart for charging my mom more for the blank CD's even though the sign said they were on sale.
I'm feeling guilty that I'm leaving my mom.
I'm feeling guilty that I'm leaving my mom with a bunch more stuff to move.
I'm feeling confused.

I find myself laughing one minute and then balling my eyes out the next. And I know that some of these emotions are coming from hormones, which another reason to get pissed. I find watch Toby Turner and Daddy Day Care makes me feel better, but whenever I turn on the radio every song seems to evoke too many sad emotions.

I know I should have more to say, and I probably do, but they sentences aren't forming right.
Heading out around 8:30am tomorrow.

Utterly overwhelmed, but nonetheless:
Bless your face. Peace off.

Friday, August 27, 2010

"Why are we getting slammed at 9:30 at night!?"

That's what the guy at McDonalds said while we were paying for our milkshakes.
Super tired right now, and my feet hurt like crazy even though I soaked them and such.
Moved a bunch of my stuff into the new apartment.
My friend Lydia, from before, came by and helped me move stuff. Our neighbors helped a lot too, which was nice.
Here are some pictures:
Totally moved those boxes and bookcase all by myself, which was awesome. BUT I digress.

This picture was an accident. Nice face right?

Unpacking my Harry Potter books, and all my other books. I truly love reorganizing my bookcases. I organized the one above by genre. Fantasy type fiction on top(Harry Potter, Narnia Chronicles, Tolkien, etc.).Then other novels and young adult fiction(John Green, Libba Bray, Lewis Carroll, Larry Watson, etc.). Next are classics(Shakespeare, Agatha Christy, Jane Austin, etc.). And finally ending with miscellaneous. Blah.

So right now I have a mattress on the floor. Which I really like. Very simple, very freeing. Very downsized.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Runway, braiding, frameless

Right now I'm sitting on the couch with my mom watching Project Runway, and looking up braided hairdos.

Today I was packing up my Harry Potter books when I discovered, between the 4th and the 5th one, seven dollars. And I thought I was done finding money when I pulled the 5th one off the shelf that I found another thirty dollars. So that was awesome.

The other day I bought two poster frames from Walmart, because they were super cheap. I didn't get around to wanting to put posters in them I discovered that not only were there scratches on the glass, but they were too small. So I took them back.
Now I'm poster frameless.

I wish I had thicker hair. But I definitely want to do more braiding.

By the way. Gretchen's a bitch. I hope she goes home, even though I know she won't.

Bless your face. Peace off.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


My throat hurts. It's not soar, it just hurts.
Today was an emotional day.

When I got on Facebook, the first thing I saw was John Green's status that Esther Earl had passed away. I didn't know Esther, but rather knew of her. I'd seen some of her Youtube videos, seen some of her Tumblr posts, and had voted in her honor for the HP Alliance in the Chase Give Away. Just weird to think she's gone when all internet evidence of her still exists.

My dad and I are watching Back to the Future 3. I don't think I've ever seen the first one, but I have seen most of the second one. I like Michael J. Fox.

I'm pretty tired. I feel like I haven't done any art in a while.

Went to a my friends birthday party tonight, which was fun. Got to hang out with two out of the three friends who I'm doing a collab channel with. The third of which moved into college today.

I think I'm going to go to bed, no picture tonight.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Excited yet??

I get on Facebook and all I see are statuses counting down days till college. Some of my friends have already moved in, or are moving in tomorrow. I feel like I should be more excited than I am. If you were to have asked me a year ago if I were excited for college I would have said yes. But it seems ever since the process, applications, financial aid, scholarships, and everything else, it just seems to have brought the enthusiasm to a low.
I get people, mostly adults, asking me if I'm looking forward to college. I never know what to say, and I know the answer should be yes but usually I just answer with: "Uh, yeah, I suppose so". I'm not not looking forward to it, but I'm also not posting a countdown as my status. I almost feel like I have absolutely no emotion on the subject, as if I've used up all of my energy just to get to this point.
I am in no way taking this opportunity for granted. I worked hard to get myself to this point, and the only reason I can even partially afford college is because I strained my ass to get scholarships. I guess I'm not animated about leaving because I know that this is just the beginning of the momentous work load I'll have. I know for a fact that in-college students have a harder time finding scholarships. When you're a senior in high school people are so willing to give you the money to pay for it. And by "it", they mean the first year, after that you're on your own.
I know I'm not the only one in this boat, and I'm not complaining. I guess it just hasn't hit me yet.

My walls are looking rather blank, even though I haven't taken all of my posters and such off them yet. I think if I were to take all of them off right now I'd have a hard time sleeping without having Harry Potter staring down on me:

Birthday party to go to tomorrow. But still some more packing to do.

Bless your face. Peace off.

Monday, August 23, 2010


I don't really have much to say tonight. Just been hanging out with one of my best friends.
Here's some pictures of us:

We have a pretty awesome friendship. We've been friends since third grade, but as she would tell you, I didn't like her. She was always at my house because she lived right down the street, and I'd always ask my mom when she would leave. Also, she would track you down on the playground to hug you, whether you wanted a hug or not, she'd find you, and hug you. After third grade though I warmed up to her. She moved away after 6th grade and I think that only made our friendship stronger. We see each other rarely, but it's always a good time.

That's all I have to say.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Not a blog

Oh, hey blogger. I keep forgetting to write in you, but you keep forgetting to remember me when I sign in. Every time. I sign in, and I hit the 'remember me' box. But you never remember me.

I've been working on my room lately. Ugh. SO much stuff I still need to do. And I don't really I have much to blog about. I just feel 'blah' right now. Kind of a mix of emotions. I may or may not be hanging out with a friend tomorrow. Hopefully she doesn't mind helping me pack.

Here's a picture of all the books I'm bringing with me. As far as I know, I might add more at some point:
Sorry this is so short. Not much of a blog at all.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


I almost forgot to post a blog tonight, so this has to be quick. I guess I was right about the whole 21 days thing, it's not quite a habit yet.

I've been trying really hard to organize my room, but it hasn't gone that well. I did unpack my suitcase, which is good. I can't help but think how hard it's going to be to pack everything up. And by everything, I mean everything. My mom is also moving, to a smaller apartment. They are downsizing us because we are over housed. It's all very overwhelming. Plus I'm trying to decide what to bring to college and what to leave behind. I think maybe I need to go through my things again and really try to downsize my life since it seems that's already happening without my help. Not only that, but there is something really romanic and freeing about not having a lot of stuff, and I'd like to get to that point. As it is I'm probably going to have to get rid of my desk and my chair. I just have far too much stuff. Though I have to admit, it's hard to be without a lot of items when you're an artsy person. I have tons of art supplies, and am probably going to have to buy more, which is a really scary thought. So much money goes into being alive.

But really. I'll do some downsizing. I'd do it now, but mom is asleep and I'm pretty sure I'd wake her up.
Church tomorrow morning, so getting up early.

Also I'm still not done reading this:

And I still need to read another book....lasdjfa;sldkfjaoisdf!
Bless your face. Peace off.

Friday, August 20, 2010

"What the hell"

Hello, and welcome to the Granite state folks.
That's right, I'm back in New Hampshire, and what an interesting journey it was...except I'm not going to talk about it because I don't feel like it.

Have you ever had a 'what the hell..." moment? For example: "What the hell just happened?" or "What the hell is that?". Well I had one of these moments last night while I was drawing. My mom had set up these acorns on a leaf and wanted me to draw them. So I was sketching them when a thought crossed my mind. "What the hell am I doing?"
For some reason I couldn't get the idea out of my mind at how ridiculous it was that I was going to go to school to DRAW. Of all things to go to college for. What the hell am I doing with my life. And for a moment I was truly doubting my abilities to be an artist.
It was just very strange...

Here's me with a fish I made at the crayon factory:


Thursday, August 19, 2010


So last night/this morning was eventful in a not so awesome way. Which is obviously the best way to have an event.

Like I was talking about last night, the dryer was going. Mom went to bed so I was left to babysit the laundry. While it was "drying" the clothes I decided to pass the time with some exercises.

11:40pm- I worked out my arms with some weights. I did some sit ups, and walked on the treadmill for a bit.

12:00am- When the dryer stopped I went and stuck my hand in the dryer, discovered that some jeans were still wet, which is typical. I mean, the jeans are always still wet. So I set the dryer to go on for a little bit longer, and read a bit.

12:30am- Brother came downstairs too see me reading. He was a bit buzzed from having a few scotches, or whiskeys, or what have you. I told him how one of my three books was refunded and the guy was putting the book on the website again, so that I could buy it. But mom told me to wait until the refunded money appeared in my account, which would take about two days. I asked him whether I should just go ahead and buy it again without the money in my account, because I needed the book, and he was selling it the cheapest. He said yes.

12:45am- To my horror, I discovered that the book had already been sold, and that I was going to have to pay another $15 to $20 dollars on a different one. Angry, I went upstairs and got some food while Brother told me "It's alright Samantha."

1:00am- Again to my horror, I went to check the laundry, and it was STILL NOT DRY! I then realized the problem... the dryer was not spinning, only heating up. Everything was still wet and it was too late to wake up mom.

1:15am- I called Brother in and asked him to help me find the problem with the dryer. He, of course, having a hard time taking the matter seriously. After switching the buttons, restarting the dryer, taking out some of the laundry, and offering to use a plunger, he laughed it off and walked away. Leaving me with laundry.

1:30am- I decided that the only means to get the laundry dry was to hang it up on any available surface. There were a few hangers in the bathroom, and after rummaging in the closet I found one more. I hung up the important things, and then started draping the remaining articles. Over the treadmill, on the towel hooks in, over some chairs, a music stand, anywhere.

1:45am- The Cave was now looking more like a small clothing store, I was tired, and the Brother was still buzzed, but considerate enough to move the chairs around, as he said: "Just incase there's a fire or something, so you can get out".

2:00am- Finally cocooned in some blankets on the couched, I reluctantly set my phone to wake me up at 8:08am, as I was worried the laundry might not be dry, even though Brother said: "No, no, it'll be dry" in a drunken mumble.

8:16am- Phone did not go off, but I managed to wake up close enough to when I wanted to. Touched every piece of clothing. AGAIN to my horror, everything was still damp.

9:00ish - Inform mom, who was awake, about the dryer issue.

After this point I didn't keep track of times, but we ended up hanging most of the laundry off the front porch. And the dryer has yet to be fixed.

Anyway. Fun time. Here is a picture of our awesomeness:

Here's a picture of me with an iTouch-stache:

Bless your face. Peace off.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I hope blogger isn't going to be a pansy today...

I'm sitting on the stairs right now, because that is definitely the best place to blog. Not really, I just made that up as an excuse to be seated on the stairs, not that I need an excuse. But I do have one. I'm waiting to the dryer to stop. I can hear it better on the stairs.

I'm still in a shittastic position when it comes to my school books. I can't get onto my AOL mail via my Grandfather's internet, so I have to use the Brother's iPhone 4. Which is a load of shit. Not the iPhone, the internet situation. I'm trying to hold on to these three different sellers, one of whom is going to refund my order, and then I have to buy the book back from him. Like I said, shittastic.

Everyone got sunburnt yesterday but me. Which is bizarre. I mean, I got a little sun, but everyone else is red. My skin is anti-sun. I'm so white, I just reflect the sun.

The Brother and I have interesting conversations before we sleep, usually in between reading. Last night's was about being fat and different methods people use to get unfat. He has been on this weird Slim Fast diet for maybe a month or so. He's lost 15 lbs, which is awesome and nothing to sneeze at, but apparently he's still considered overweight based on his BMI. Me personally, I'm not overweight, which is surprising. But I'd still like to slim down a bit.

My Grandfather just looked down from the kitchen and said:
"I've never seen anyone sit there. In all the years I've lived here, I've never seen anyone sit there. What would prompt anyone to sit there?"

So funny.
The dryer stopped.
I've turned it on again for another 10 minutes. That way I can finish this blog and then fold the laundry. I was running so low on laundry. I had like two long-sleeved shirts(which, honestly, I'm not going to wear), a pair of jeans(not going to wear), a t-shirt, and a tank top. Along with a few underthings, that was it. My suitcase is pretty much empty right now.

So back to what I was saying about Brother and I:
The night before last we talked about dreams. We learned that we both dream in color, although I tend to remember my dreams more than he does. Personally I love dreaming. I know some people find that if they wake up from a dream, and remember it, they find they are more tired than if they hadn't remembered it. I am quite the opposite. We also talked about our physical ailments and whether they affect us in our dreams. Like for instance, I wear glasses, as does my mom. Obviously in real life if I were to take my glasses off, things would be blurry, same with my mom. But in dream state, I can see perfectly clear, although in real life, I'm not wearing my glasses(I do not wear glasses when I sleep). But my mom finds most of her dreams blurry, as if she isn't wearing her glasses. I know that in general, real life rules do not apply in dream, like flying, but it makes me wonder if people who can't walk have dreams where they walk. Apparently even blind people have dreams, how cool is that?

Yeah, so that's about it. Here's the picture I tried to post yesterday, hopefully:
Hell yeah! It worked!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Today was not as planned.
Our plan was to go to the Baltimore Museum of Art. Which we did, sort of. Until we found out it was closed... which sucked. I did go to the gift shop though, and bought some postcards. Then we walked to Charm City Cakes, the bakery known for the show Ace of Cakes. Then we didn't know what to do, because we really wanted to go to the museum. We ended up going to get some food. We drove down to the Inner Harbor. It was like 400 degrees out. Everything was so expensive. The aquarium cost $30 per person, no joke. The other two places we considered were pricey too. It was just a miserable time, because everyone was so indecisive, including myself. We didn't really want to do anything that was available because we wanted to go to the museum. Plus, the museum is free, and everything else cost money. I did see an Urban Outfitters, which I'd never seen before, and went inside. Everything there was expensive too, even the clearance stuff. But it was cooler in the mall area, and we got some water. Mom bought a Charm City Cake mug from The Best of Baltimore store. The Brother got some shot glasses, and I got a huge glass with the Raven on it(as in Edgar Allan Poe). We payed through the ass for parking. Super tired now, and I'll probably go to bed after I'm done typing.
My great uncle Paul is coming over tomorrow.

It won't let me upload a picture, internet is too slow.
Peace off.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Nature, Cow tea, postman

I was sitting out on the porch this evening. Watching the lightning and the rain. Listening to the thunder. It was nice. Nature is nice, sometimes......

Today's beginning was not as I expected. This morning we(mom, Nancy, and I) had to wake up rather early to take Nancy to the Harrisburg airport. Though I thought the drive to the airport was going to be an adventure(seeings how my mom and I have never driven to the airport here and didn't know exactly how to get there) it turned out my shower was more interesting(the drive to and from the airport went fine). The Brother and I share the Cave, and we also use/share the Cave's bathroom. There is no actual bath, just a concrete shower. Now I don't mind using it, even though it appears to be more of a man shower. A shower is a shower. But the shower doesn't normally get used, as my Grandfather, and Nancy use the upstairs shower. Bright and early, around 5:45ish I got around to taking a shower. But to my horror, the largest earwig I've ever seen was just chillin' on the shower wall. At first I took the killer's way out and tried to drown it. Which didn't work. Having knocked it off the wall and onto the shower floor, and feeling guilty that I had attempted the destroy the tiny little life, I decided to suck it up and take my shower anyway. Only after getting in did I notice a SECOND earwig at the opposite side of the shower. Keeping a eye on each earwig I reluctantly washed my hair. I thought I was doing well when I finished shaving one leg and started on the other, but then the large one made a move on me. We did this weird little dance around the shower, and switch places. Needless to say, I finished my shower as soon as possible. Afterwards I practically expected there to be an even larger one waiting for me outside. Ready to stand over me, tap me on the shoulder, and say "Did you drown my kids?", "No sir, they're still in the shower. You better get them out before James wakes up."..... I did not warn James.

****Random clip from reunion:
"This tea tastes like cow." -Me
"What?" - Mom
"Did you say it tastes like cow?" - The Brother
"It tastes like how cows smell." -Me
"Cows smell bad." - The Brother
"I know." -Me ****

Airports make me feel funny. Almost excited, nervous, sick. I've been on four planes in my life. I don't mind flying I guess. Makes me kind of sick, which isn't enjoyable. But airports are weird. While I was waiting for Nancy to get out of the bathroom, and Mom to meet up with us from the terminal parking lot, I just stood there, with Elton John playing softly in the background. I felt like going on a trip.

So I ordered three of my four textbooks for college at half.com. I had them shipped to my Dad's address because, at the time that I ordered them I was at my Dad's, but also because I knew I was coming to Pennsylvania and I wanted them to be shipped to somewhere where a person would be to pick them up. Where my Dad lives is where I've spent most of my life, 14 years of it. I mean, shit, that's where I was brought to after I was born. Took my first steps in that house. Said my first words. ANYWAY. So I had the books sent there. But when I finally managed to get the internet to corroborate, and I checked the tracking number of two of the books, they said they were "undeliverable". WTF? Turns out the postman knows that I don't live at my Dad's "all the time" and decided not to deliver the packages but SEND THEM BACK. Holy shit, I thought I was going to explode. I mean, if he knows I don't live there "all the time" he must know I live there "some of the time". But no, he didn't even bother bringing them to the house to check, he just SENT THEM BACK. So now I'm dealing with this complete bullshit. Whatever. Hope that postman finds a giant earwig in his shower.

Here's a picture of what I saw.....

Totally true...

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Relative man in orange shirt

So today was the reunion. It rained most of the time, and there weren't as many people there as I though, but it was alright just the same. There were the usual relatives. The crazy great aunt who was just as crazy(if not more crazy) than usual. Of course my Grandfather, and his brother Paul. Some of my mom's cousins and also some people who don't normally come.
Despite the rain it was quite nice. It's pretty much the one time of the year that we each fried chicken, our fat American selves. My mom brought her computer so as to show people my art, everyone loved it. Even the crazy aunt. She said I was a "genius", or something along those lines. Funny how people change their minds.
I'm blogging in the, living room? I guess you'd call it that. And everyone else is in here too. Mom went to bed. But Grandfather got out a bunch of books, some illustration and some Norman Rockwell.

Tomorrow I have to get up early with my mom to take Nancy to the airport. She's going to "The Shore", whatever.

Before this picture, my mom wasn't there, and I was next to the guy in the orange shirt(who IS a relative, unlike some people in the photo, but NO ONE can remember his name), anyway, he was a nice guy, really laughy and such. Kept talking to me about drawing a picture of the family, wanted me to remember his face. Really liked my art though, and then asked who the people were in this picture, and I said they were from Doctor Who. He went off about how some guy who works for him watches it and was talking about it to him one day. Haha ah, relatives.

Peace off. Bless your face.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Family, popcorn, tablecloth

Greetings, from the Cave dwellers.
The internet has been ridiculously slow. I haven't been able to get on Tumblr in two days and Youtube and DeviantArt have begun to be the same way. For a moment I thought Blogger was going to died on me.
So tomorrow is the big day! It's the family reunion, where there will be tons of people I don't know who will try and figure out in what, twisted, way we're related. Last year, or the year before(I really couldn't tell you, I've been to too many of these things to know), one of my Grandfather's brothers' wives (a great aunt, the crazy one), asked me what I was going to go to college for, and I told her Art, and she said something to the effect of: "You're not going to make any money!". Then she preceded to tell me about how her grandson was a great guitarist and wanted to be a musician. There's a reason why she's the crazy one. Anyway, this will be an interesting, but most likely enjoyable, event.
My Grandfather is of, right now, is a bit tipsy? drunk? I'm not sure. He's happy enough, I suppose. Making popcorn he is.

"Tablecloth."- Grandfather&Mom at same time
"WOW! That was really weird."- Me
"What?" - Grandfather
"You both said tablecloth at the same time." -Me
"Well son-of-a-bitch." - Grandfather

Here's a picture of me at one of the many family reunions.

Crazy looking aren't I?

Friday, August 13, 2010

"I like talking dogs"

Grandfather said that just before we started watching Up, which he completely missed because he was asleep, typical.
I forgot to mention yesterday that Mom, Nancy, and I went to Ollies, which reminded me of TJ Maxx. They sell a bunch of stuff for discount prices. They had a whole section for books, and the first book I saw was John Green's Looking for Alaska. I was tempted to leave a note in it for whoever decided to buy it, but I didn't have any paper with me.
I got to go for my walk today, but it wasn't in the morning, 'cause I was too lazy.
I spent a good hour or so working in iMovie on some clips I had taken yesterday.

Under a more serious note.
A year ago today my Grandma died. I was pretty much were I am now, in PA. It's a bit weird. I remember after I talked to my Dad, and cried a bit, Mom and I went to Walmart and bought The Pagemaster, and some popcorn. At the time the Brother wasn't with us, which now looking at it was a good thing because he was able to be there for Dad. I didn't really know my Grandma that well. I only ever met her twice if you don't count when I was born. But I still loved her, she was blood after all.

So I leave you with a picture of my British half:
Grandad, Grandma, and my Dad.

Peace off. Bless your face.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


No shit, just started typing this, it's 11:11.
I kinda forgot that I still needed to blog today. Us, the fam and all, watched Seabiscuit. Other than that we didn't really do that much. Read a bit of Agatha Christie and I'll probably continue that before I nod off.
Went to Walmart and Weis with the Brother. That was cool, I guess.
I was trying to make a video to upload to this collab channel I'm doing with three of my friends when we start college. I need to show one of them how to upload a video, which I myself have never done, but how hard can it be really?? I took a bunch of clips that I was, sorta, working on in iMovie to piece together. That shit is hard. I don't know how people do that, it takes a lot of concentration. I don't know how good I'm going to be at vlogging. Anyway, I didn't end up finishing because it was ridiculous and time consuming.
Have I mentioned yet how LOUD the cicadas are? Like we all thought those vuvuzelas were annoying during the World Cup, these things are just as bad. We don't have them in NH so it's just bizarre walking outside and hearing the "song", as they call it. You practically have to shout to talk to the people around you. Anyway, there was one on the window of my Grandfather's carving room. Gross. My mom went out and took pictures of it, and then poked it with a sick, like a true hero.
I'd like to wake up early and take a walk tomorrow, but I'm not sure how to go about sneaking out of the house. The door makes it ever so obvious that you're leaving.

Here's a picture of these weird bust things my Grandfather has on his mantel:

cute right?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Freshwater Cucumber.

Tired, and not amused. I have no true reason for being tired as I did not help drive the nine hours to Pennsylvania, but I think being stuffed into a tiny car with a bunch of luggage gives me some right.
I feel like my typing is really loud. It's so quiet in the basement. We call it the Cave. The brother and I have always slept in the furnished basement, and it's not so much of a basement really. It's nice down here. But quiet when the AC system isn't on.
My Grandfather has rather slow wireless internet. I'm trying to catch up on my Youtube subs, but arrrrrggghhgh.
So I went looking for my tooth brush and I found out that my body wash had leaked. So, that was awesome(not really, I was kidding, sometimes people don't know when I'm kidding). Now some of my stuff smells like freshwater cucumbers.
This is a really disjoined blog.
I'm not really freaking out that bad.
Here's a picture of where I'm sleeping for the next week or so.

That's cool right? I actually like sleeping on the couch. No biggie.
Peace out. Bless your face.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


As of right now I'm packing(and blogging, it's call multitasking, yo!) for Pennsylvania. We* leave tomorrow morning and I'm pretty excited. Jamming out to some tunes, right now its this:linky. For some reason it reminds me of Being Human.

I had a blog idea yesterday, but of course I forgot about it while I was in the process of actually blogging, go figure. But two nights ago I had a dream, it was about Harry Potter. Only I was Harry Potter. It was similar to this other dream I had, only not so similar in the fact that in that dream I was not Harry Potter. But the dreams are similar in the fact that 1. I had a wand AND 2. I could cast spells with said wand. It was the coolest thing ever, only not so cool now because it was not real life, but in dream state TOTALLY AWESOME! Another similarity was that I could not think of the spell for how to lock a door**. I did, however, remember how to unlock a door, but at the time when locking a door was most necessary to evade someone(Voldemort) or something(Giant Squid Professor), that was not helpful. I could have, in both cases, locked the door manually, but no, instead I stood there like an imbecile and shouted "LOCK!" at the door knob. I have come to the conclusion that I should learn the spell to lock a door so that in the case of Voldemort chasing me I can lock the door between us(as if that would stop him) instead of continually casting Impedimenta at him.

Ugh, I can't think of anything else to write about. I'll blog tomorrow after I arrive in the Keystone State. Laterssssss.

I leave you with a picture of this cool owl watch necklace my mom made me!

*'We' in this case would be myself, my brother, and my mom.
**Colloportus, that would at least stop Muggles from getting in. I'm never going to remember this.

Monday, August 9, 2010

No title blog has no title.

I realize that I haven't blogged in a while, at least not since my failed attempt at BEDA. Now it's August, and some bloggers are trying BEDAugust, and I'm late on that one too. But I think I'll try, because this month is going to be rather eventful.
First off I think I might mention that it takes 21 days to get into a habit, or likewise, 21 days to break one. Therefore, this will probably be a futile trial and error, 21ish days, of maybetryinghopefullysucceedingblogging.

But there is some SUCCESS! I mentioned in an earlier blog: here, that I had a bunch of books I wanted to read this summer. I did in fact finish rereading HBP and DH which is awesome. I also read A Room With a View, In a Dark Time, and Will Grayson Will Grayson. I would recommend all of them, and do. Now I've dived into the pages of The Two Towers, and am pretty sure it's going to take me the rest of summer to read it, so I'm thinking of reading something else instead since I'd like to get two more books read before going off to college.

Speaking of college, but not so much OF college but the art portion of college. I went to the Robert Hull Fleming Museum at UVM, and it was awesome. They had a stairwell that looking similar to the one at the Louvre, but now thinking about it less like the Louvre only because I've never been to the Louvre. I'd like to go to the Louvre. Andbutso there was this exhibit of Francis Colburn and Ronald Slayton. I'd never heard of them, but I really enjoyed their art. Super inspiring, if you're into that stuff.... linky.

Also speaking of art, I recently bought a TV serial about the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. I bought it because BBC America is doing a deal on itunes right now where some episodes of shows are free and others you can buy for only 99 cents. The first episode was free and then I was hooked, so yeah! I bought the other 5 episodes! So sue me! All about 1680 ish art and poetry. It's almost like a docudrama, because almost all the characters were actual people. It can't be completely accurate, but it's based on historical events...and I basically just gave you the definition of a docudrama. But it's been cool to look up the artists and find the work that was shown in an episode. I also got the first series(as in Eccleston) episode uno of Doctor Who. WOOT!

I'm running out of things to talk about so I'll just leave you with this picture of me being eaten by the glare of the isight.

Peace out. Bless your face.