Friday, August 19, 2011

This has been a post, from Pennsylvania.

Hey blogger I'm in Pennsylvania again! I'm sure you remember this place.
Currently the Brother is sleeping on the floor in the cave due in part by the fact that we did not properly charge the air pump before attempting to pump air into his mattress. I feel like my typing is extremely loud and might wake him up so I think I will relocate -
There, now I'm sitting on upstairs on grandfather's new love seat. It's quite comfortable. The internet is still ridiculously slow even though it's password protected and all that shit. So watching YouTube videos is an absolute pain.
So I just stick to Tumblr, Facebook, and my email, which I am constantly checking to see if I've gotten my Pottermore email...
Which I haven't.
I don't want to get angry over this but I am. I registered on the second day. I was up until 5am and look what that has gotten me. People who registered on the seventh day are getting their emails.

Ugh, I just saw a FedEx pass the house and it reminded me that I need to get my textbooks. Well fuck. I don't have the money for that.

Renunion: 2 days.
Move in: 9 days.

Friday, August 12, 2011

This has been a post.

I haven't made a proper blog post in a while. And I say proper because I have a Tumblr and like to think of that as a blog of sorts, it's just not a journal-esque blog like this one. I don't really know what to write about which is a really terrible way to start a blog post. It's weird to think that summer is almost over and all. I know I'm not the only one who is guilty of making plans in my head of what I would like to do. Draw more, paint more, write more, read more. Yeah... some of that happened. I also wanted to get back into making vlogs - which I also haven't done. I'm sort of in the process of making a video response - something I've never done before. It just seems like I get distracted by things so easily. Music mostly, and videos on YouTube. And Tumblr of course. I'm thinking I should take a break of it. Tumblr, not hat internet in general. That would be difficult seeings how a good deal of my inspiration comes from the internet. I really wish I would write more. More stories. It's awful thought. I feel like I need to be doing something to get money, but writing stories and drawing is what I'm going to be doing as a job so who knows. I'm selling some of my art on Etsy but I haven't sold a single thing and it's quite a let down. Not that I was expecting much. I also feel like a lot of the art I'm doing in my sketchbook is for myself and so it serves no real purpose. I feel proud of it but at the same time I don't want to share it with anyone. As far as writing is concerned I just haven't. I did for a little bit but then I lost the story. Or I lost faith in the story. Either way. I know practice makes perfect but it's different with writing than it is with drawing. With writing I always feel like it's going to suck, which it needs to in order for me to improve, but I almost don't want to waste my time because I know it will suck. Does that make sense? With drawing at least I know I stand a chance of creating something cool. I don't know. This has been a post.

Days until Pennsylvania: 6
Days until move in: 16
Books reading: Eat, Pray, Love and The Invention of Hugo Cabret