Friday, August 12, 2011

This has been a post.

I haven't made a proper blog post in a while. And I say proper because I have a Tumblr and like to think of that as a blog of sorts, it's just not a journal-esque blog like this one. I don't really know what to write about which is a really terrible way to start a blog post. It's weird to think that summer is almost over and all. I know I'm not the only one who is guilty of making plans in my head of what I would like to do. Draw more, paint more, write more, read more. Yeah... some of that happened. I also wanted to get back into making vlogs - which I also haven't done. I'm sort of in the process of making a video response - something I've never done before. It just seems like I get distracted by things so easily. Music mostly, and videos on YouTube. And Tumblr of course. I'm thinking I should take a break of it. Tumblr, not hat internet in general. That would be difficult seeings how a good deal of my inspiration comes from the internet. I really wish I would write more. More stories. It's awful thought. I feel like I need to be doing something to get money, but writing stories and drawing is what I'm going to be doing as a job so who knows. I'm selling some of my art on Etsy but I haven't sold a single thing and it's quite a let down. Not that I was expecting much. I also feel like a lot of the art I'm doing in my sketchbook is for myself and so it serves no real purpose. I feel proud of it but at the same time I don't want to share it with anyone. As far as writing is concerned I just haven't. I did for a little bit but then I lost the story. Or I lost faith in the story. Either way. I know practice makes perfect but it's different with writing than it is with drawing. With writing I always feel like it's going to suck, which it needs to in order for me to improve, but I almost don't want to waste my time because I know it will suck. Does that make sense? With drawing at least I know I stand a chance of creating something cool. I don't know. This has been a post.

Days until Pennsylvania: 6
Days until move in: 16
Books reading: Eat, Pray, Love and The Invention of Hugo Cabret

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